So here it is, I’m now a dad!
I’ve taken a number of weeks off due to our little man having a rocky start!

We’ve been trying for a number of years and after having IVF and only 1 viable egg we knew it wasn’t going to be easy! Katie was on medication throughout the pregnancy and then we were told he had a heart condition. After a number of scans and tests we were
told not to expect issues until he was around 6 months old but that wasn’t the case unfortunately.
Emergency C section for the missus and then little man was rushed off to Alder Hey specialist children’s hospital’s intensive care unit because he couldn’t breathe.
Stemming from his heart issues his artery’s were wrapped around his trachea so with every beat of the heart his windpipe was squeezed shut! After being on a ventilator, he underwent 2 heart surgery’s at just 7 days old.
He recovered well and we were able to take him home 12 days later!
Fast forward to now, he’s 9 weeks old and although we’ve got a long way to go with his breathing and feeding, he’s doing well!
I can’t wait to kit him out in the latest sneakers and obviously he’s going to have some customs of his own! For now he’ll have to make do with sat in his bouncer watching me paint!
Welcome to the world baby Reid!
