Hey guys and gals!
Sorry its been so long, we’ve been mega busy!!
Docs, Nikes, Adidas, Converse, Jackets and more!
We are now fully settled into our premises in Manchester’s Norther quarter, which Is very fitting considering what an awesome place it is!
(We have had quite a few people calling us as they can’t seem to find us, we are on the second floor next to Violet loves Vintage! )
We’ve been keeping busy with custom shoes from all over the UK and some from America too!
Lots of jackets flying out and we’ve had some celebrity interest too!!
Joey Essex liked one of our posts on Instagram and then we had an X factor finalist wanting to send his shoes to be customised.
You guys are still our Number 1 though, we wouldn’t be where we are without our brilliant fan base!
So thank you, every like, share, tweet and order takes us one step closer to becoming a world famous brand which is where I would love to be!
We have some new ideas coming your way soon so make sure you’re following us on any social media! Just search Starline Customs.
Peace out